Inception(2010) - You need to watch once | Full Movie in Hindi & English | watch & Download |

Inception(2010) - You need to watch once in your life

Why we go to watch a movie

We see the movies either if we like the actors/directors of that movie, or if we are referred to watch that movie by friends, or if we hear and like the story of that movie from somewhere else. That is the case happened to all that sometimes they do go to cinemas for watching movies starred by their favorite hero and the movie make us unhappy sometimes as we don’t like that movie. But, believe me, if you hear the story of that movie from someone else and then you watch the movie after you like the story, you will definitely like that movie.

Today, there are several people who like Hollywood movies most. There are some movies which have outstanding story as well as cinematography that attract us so much and after watching them one time makes us watch it again and again. It makes mark on our mind as we like its concepts and other things. Here is a very short summary of a fantastic movie named ‘Inception’. Inception was released in the year 2010 starred by Leonardo DeCaprio  and written & directed by Christopher Nolan.


 Inception presents the concept of virtual world in a fantastic manner. When we sleep, all of us fall in the dream. In the world of dream, we cannot distinguish whether it is real or not. When we wake up, then we realize that we were in a dream and thank god if we have seen a really bad dream, and realize
that it was not real, right? This movie beautifully presents the event of seeing dream and how does the world of dream really look like. You will definitely be confused after watching this movie whether you are in real world or the world of dream now. Consider deeply a thing; can you remember how you have come in the present state? Not perfectly just like you forget much part of your dream after you wake up.

Scene, Story & Facts

The movie presents a scene in which all the collegue of hero go with hero in the dream of them but the dream world looks exactly like the one made by him. In the world of dream too, they fall in another dream and this process goes up to four dream-worlds. The hero of that movie loses his wife in the real world. That’s why, he created the world of dream where his wife stays as his remembrance, and he usually goes in that world of dream in order to see his wife as he loves her so much.
Inception presents a fact that the long-time interval in the dream world refers to a very short time interval in real world. This is really a true fact. Remember, when we fall asleep, we see a dream where many events happen only during 6/7 hours a night in real world. Inception movie presents that 1 minute in real world refers to 10 minutes in dream. And in a dream within dream, the time goes on becoming longer and longer. Inception presents the activity of the characters to seize the information from others mind by including them into the world of dream.

Inception is very-very interesting movie and need to be watched at least once by everyone

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